Getting Started (EN)
Welcome! Here you will find examples and a detailed endpoint list that will let you integrate WoowUp with the systems you use.
Getting started
This is a REST-style API that uses JSON for serialization. To start using the API you will need:
1.Log into WoowUp and get your Api Key from the Configuration/MyAccount section. 2.Read the API docs to understand what you can do.
The API is limited to 10 request/second. If you overpass this limit you’ll receive an exception.
All request receive and return data in JSON format.
Remember to include in the header Basic Authentication when calling any endpoint. Here you’ll find how to do it.
To identify a customer use the field “service_uid”. Normally you will use the email or the ID (DNI, CPF, RUT, Passport) to identify the customer.
Every time you are going to use service_uid as part of the URL, first you’ll need to encode it with base64 and then with url encode. You can read here a detailed explanation here.
Valid date formats are: YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss (default in UTC) or ISO8601 format including the timezone Ex: 2004-02-12T15:19:21+03:00
Normally you’ll include al the Product Information (sku, title, category, stock, etc) within the Create purchase order endpoint. But if you prefer, there is a specific endpoint to synchronize products.
Before send a purchase order, you need to create the customer if it doesn't exist. In the example you can see how this process works in the "import_from_csv.php" file.
Please, pay attention to the messages of the responses of our API because we will tell you if something is wrong with your requests or the information you send.
In any call to the API you must sent the apikey in the query string as a parameter.
For example, if your apikey is 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', you should do a request to
Other method, and the recomended, is via Authentication Header, in every call you must send the header
Authorization: Basic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
When you are doing a search, we paginate the results. In all paginated endpoints the pagination's parameters are:
Items per page returned. Max: 100
Number of the page. First page is 0
Returned format
All endpoints return data in json format, with the Content-Type: application/json
header. For a correct use you have to send in all the requests the header Accept: application/json
How to encode 'service_uid'
When you are trying to find an user you could identificate this by his id or his service_uid (commonly is the email), when you use the service_uid you must encode this in Base64 en the result encode as url safe, for example if you need to do this in php:
Sample Code: How to start sending us your purchase orders
In the following link you will find a fully functional example in PHP that process a CSV file with orders and customers and use the API to send them to WoowUp: Download example
Remember to contact us on for any questions, we will be happy to assist you.
Last updated
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